D1S w/ zzm        [HOST: D1S]

Engulfed in the kaleidoscopic world of post-millennial internet,anime, memes, malls, video games, arcade, social media, and clubs, zzm epitomizes the quintessential young DJ of East Asia. Growing up in a chaotic yet enchanting cultural atmosphere, they possess a keen internet intuition and an insatiable curiosity and openness to diverse musical genres. To them, the “club” is merely a new playground.

Driven by intuition, zzm stepped into China’s club scene in 2020,making OIL his starting point and becoming part of the young generation’s reimagining of club culture. As a professional electronic music editor, columnist, and member of OIL Soundsystem, he has been contributing to the local club scene through his various roles. In 2024, he joined D1S, Shenzhen’s most notorious rave collective, working with his companions to bring wild ideas to life in a random, adventurous way.

His DJ sets often feature playful groove elements like Club Trax,Breaks, UKG and Electro, interweaving with mysterious high-energy rave weapons from the internet to create surreal, absurd textures.